Working Consciously with Your Non-Physical Team

Working Consciously with Your Non-Physical Team

(This article was received intuitively from my non-physical spiritual “Team.”)


As promised in our last transmission, we are going to show you how you can more consciously co-create with us. For those of you who are not familiar with your non-physical Team, we will start by describing them.


Your Team consists of your Higher Being, various spirit guides, and angels. Aside from your Higher Being, you have at least one angelic Team member who has been with you continuously since your birth and will be with you until you transition out of your physicality. Other Team members consist of spirit guides who may come and go throughout your life. Depending on what is going on in your life, you may have as few as two spirit guides or more than twenty. Spirit guides are beings who may never have incarnated on Earth, or they may be deceased relatives and friends who are part of your soul family. Often these guides represent different roles depending on your needs at the time. For example, if you are starting a business, you may connect with deceased members of your soul family or even an aspect of yourself from another lifetime who excelled in business, marketing, or finance, etc.  Don’t be surprised if one of your ongoing spirit guides taps into another one of their successful business-oriented lifetimes to help you with your new venture (.e. why in the world is Uncle Jake here? He was a horrible businessperson!) Once your business is up and running smoothly most of these guides will likely back away until they are needed again.


Another example: you have spirit guides who assist you with relationship matters. If you are looking for a partner, your relationship spirit guide will work with your lifetime angel and other angels who are proficient in locating and/or assessing suitable partners and arranging the meeting with your new partner. Again, most of these angels will back away once the connection has been made and/or the new relationship feels solid. If the relationship ceases to function in a beneficial way for either party, specialized guides will be brought in again to either assist in healing the relationship or dissolving it.


As an aside, some of your guides like to be called by a specific name (i.e., a relative who you know by a certain name or nickname); others have no preference as to what they are called. None are offended if you get their names wrong.


Now that we have given you the basis for understanding who your Team is, you probably want to know how we work with you. Most of it happens in your dream state, where we  gather as a group and discuss the various things going on in  your life, the most beneficial way to approach them, and who  will be assigned to which tasks. Optimal times for conscious (awake state) co-creation are the early morning hours between 4AM and 7AM, after your body has gone through its healing phase and before you start your day, though anytime you quiet your mind is a great opportunity for conscious co-creation.


Here are a few techniques to help you connect with us, beginning with the easiest and ending with the more. For any technique, it’s important to quiet your mind and enter a state of emotional neutrality. Feeling emotional will create resistance and “results” are likely to be inaccurate. Always begin by surrounding yourself in white light and verbally stating that you will only communicate with your Higher Self, spirit guides and angels.


  • Ask for a sign. If you are unsure that your Team is real, you may ask to see a sign of some sort—a specific set of numbers or letters, a specific type of bird or flower, etc. Once you are confident your Team is real, here are some techniques you can use:
  • Muscle testing
  • Using a pendulum

(There are numerous methods of muscle testing and different ways to use pendulum. Pick what resonates with you. Unfortunately, these two methods are limited to “Yes,” “No,” or “Maybe” answers, but are still a good start if you are completely new to this. )


  • Automatic writing. Though it may take a good bit of practice, automatic writing is a fantastic way to talk to us! First, allow yourself plenty of time to practice. You can use pen and paper or your computer. Begin by writing a question at the top of a page and then sit quietly and wait for a response. As you begin to learn this practice, it’s easiest to start with emotionally neutral questions like “Should I ride my bike today or go for a hike?” rather than “Why is my boss so upset with me?” Everyone receives this type of communication differently, so be patient with yourself if it takes numerous sessions to hear a response. If you aren’t “hearing” anything and begin to get frustrated, walk away and try again another time. Again, you cannot be in state of resistance and count on receiving accurate information.


As you begin to hear responses, please don’t discount anything. Celebrate even the oddest information. It may not be coherent at first but is an indication that the channels are opening. Keep at it. You can always use your muscle testing or pendulum techniques to confirm the responses you are getting. The more you practice the better you will get—even receiving pages and pages of dialogue (if that’s what you want). Rhonda began automatic writing over 30 years ago and became proficient at it. At one point, she was receiving transformative information about a difficult situation she was working through. She brought these transmissions to her therapist who eventually told her that the information she was getting was benefitting her more than therapy and he fired himself! This technique ultimately led to her being able to do intuitive readings for other people.


  • Conversing with us during meditation. This works virtually identically to automatic writing, except without the medium of pen and paper or a computer. Again, everyone is different, so for you, this process may work better for you than automatic writing.


       We look forward to hearing from you!


©Rhonda Weisberg