Tweaking the Manifestation Process

Tweaking the Manifestation Process

(This article was received intuitively from my non-physical spiritual “Team.”)


Most of you have one or more areas of your life that you feel could use some  improvement. These areas can range from anything from wanting more money, a change in career, to improved health or relationships. Those of you have come to understand the Law of Attraction understand that you are the creator/co-creator of all aspects of your physical  reality. Sometimes just understanding creative law doesn’t always mean using those laws to optimal advantage though. You may be frustrated because you can’t always get the Law of Attraction “right.” You may shift something in a positive direction, then find that in time things shifts back to the old  status quo. So, what are you doing “wrong”? We hesitate to use the word “wrong” because that it is not how we view your processes from our advantage point, but you understand what we mean.


To help you tweak your manifestation process, here are a few things to consider:


1.    Admit you are not all-knowing. You do not know for certain that: there will not be enough money to pay your bills; that you are too old to change vocations; that your health condition cannot be healed, etc. Good news—you are “wrong”! There is nothing that you cannot change because . . . .

2.    You are God! You are a magnificent creator! You have created your body, your living conditions, your friendships, etc., etc. Just because they are not all what you view as optimal does not mean you have not created all of it. Because you have. Every bit of it. And guess what? It is just as easy to create what you want as is it to create what you don’t want. The only thing that prevents your desires from coming into being is resistance. Most of you are not consciously resisting good stuff coming to you, however proclamations of knowing that you are, and will be, lacking something is a form of resistance. Very profound resistance we might add. 

3.    Stop looking at what is. “What is” is temporary and is only one of limitless possibilities that you can entertain. You jump in and out of parallel realities all the time where “what is” is insignificantly different from one reality to another. Again, guess what? Accessing a parallel reality that is far more beneficial to you is just as easy as accessing the ones that appear identical. Yes, you can shift that easily. The only thing that prevents that is your belief that what you are wanting is impossible to have (resistance). Once again, you are wrong. It is not only possible but easy to do. Embrace the idea that the Universe is highly malleable, and it is just as easy to move big parts around as it is little parts if you understand and fully embrace creating your own reality.

4.    Work with us! Ask, ask, and ask for what you need or desire. Then ask some more. We cannot step in unless you request it. What you believe are difficult tasks for us are easy beyond your comprehension. Understand that as soon as you entertain a wish or desire, it exists forever in your akashic field. Simplistically, we just draw it to you. Easy peasy!!! Further, know that we want to help! That is our biggest desire. None of us wish to see any of you suffer in any manner. Our biggest pain is when humans do not ask for help. And when they finally do, we rush in faster than the speed of light. Literally. Time does not exist where we are, so manifestation on our end is instantaneous. Your manifestation then “sits” there just waiting for you to get up to vibrational speed with it (letting go of resistance). You would not believe how many great things are lined up for you—even desires you  have long forgotten about.

5.    We know that most of you have a grateful heart, so do not feel as though we are reprimanding you when we strongly urge you to write down—with pen and paper—those things for which you are grateful. This is a great way to start or end the day—or both. Do this daily at about the same time of day until it becomes habitual. This exercise raises your vibration (allowing you to release any resistance) and the extended focus on only the good things you have already manifested allows a window for more good things to manifest in your physical reality. And don’t forget to be grateful to yourself for being the magnificent creator you are!


6.    Finally, know you are loved beyond measure, and we eagerly look forward to bringing to you all that you desire!


©Rhonda Weisberg