This Year: Dedication Not Resolution

This Year: Dedication Not Resolution

(This article was received intuitively from my non-physical spiritual “Team.”)


 Happy new year to all! 2024 will be here in just a few  short days and it will be a pivotal year of huge change, including a lot of upheaval. By the end of 2024, your present world will be virtually unrecognizable. With so much going on in both your external and internal worlds, it may be a challenge to manage your vibration. So then, how can you manage your vibration with ease and grace and create the life you desire in 2024?


Many of you are resolving to make changes in your life—whether to lose weight, have more money, heal your body, create relationships, etc. Most of your resolutions have probably never worked. Here are three reasons why they don’t work and why we never recommend them.


Reason 1: You are meant to live co-creative lives where you visualize what you would like and then allow the Universe to step in and help you manifest your visualizations. Are you trying to do it all yourself?


Reason 2: Resolutions generally come from a place of “shoulds” and forcefulness which never works; it stops the flow of energy right in its tracks. Forcefulness is the opposite of allowing, which is the countenance you must maintain to manifest what you want.


Reason 3: Resolutions often come from a place of beating yourself up over what you did not accomplish the prior year. (No self-love there!) As all of you know by now, emotions are the powerhouse of creation—for better or for worse. When you approach any goal from a point of anger and frustration—especially at yourself—that prevents positive manifestation and usually does more harm than good.


If you feel you must make one resolution this year, it  should be to resolve to never make another one!


Now that we have convinced you to do away with resolutions once and for all, how do you create positive life changes?


Dedication! Dedication comes from a heartfelt commitment to yourself. Dedication arises from inspiration which is a much higher frequency than resolve. We know you can already feel the difference! Dedication is about self-love, not self-flagellation.


To manifest what inspires you, we suggest creating time every day to visualize in detail what it is that you would like to create and see it as done. Feel the joy and satisfaction in what you have created. Consciously connect with your non-physical Team (your Higher Being, your Spirit Guides, Your Divine Masculine, Divine Feminine and Divine Inner Child, along with any angels who you feel a connection with) and ask them to assist you. Express your gratitude and appreciation for their help. Feel how it feels to allow magic to happen in your life. Finally, take notice of anything that calls you to act in an inspired fashion and act on that.


We look forward to witnessing your amazing creations!


©Rhonda Weisberg