My Epiphany: The Water-Emotion-Disease Connection

(This article was received intuitively from my non-physical spiritual “Team.”)


A friend and I were discussing Masaru Emoto’s water experiments and how amazing they were. (For those of you not familiar with Masaru Emoto, he discovered that emotions create changes in the molecular structure of water. Even something as simple as putting a label on a bottle with a negative or positive emotion written on it changed the molecular make up.) Later in our conversation, we were talking about how much water is in the human body and a huge lightbulb went off in my head! I thought: “Is that how negative emotions can create disease? If the water outside of us is impacted by emotion, what about the water that’s in our body?” I understood that negative emotions can create disease, but I never understood the mechanics. Is this the answer? I decided to ask my Team and here is their input:


         In one word: “Bingo!” That is exactly how it happens! Water is the most adaptable and malleable element on Earth. It can exist as a liquid, a solid (ice), or a gas (steam). It can also take on many other properties as it is mixed with other things. By far, we find its ability to hold emotion the most impactful.


It is not only the water in Emoto’s vials that holds emotion, but the water in the oceans, lakes, rivers, and streams. For that reason, weather can be impacted by global  consciousness, and just like everything else, it will act according to its emotional state. When it comes to weather, it acts in conjunction with other earthly elements to create various weather conditions like thunderstorms or floods, for example. Why is it that you may feel so calm and relaxed when you are around a lake or the ocean? It is not just the ebb and flow of the ocean and the ripples on the lake, it is that the water is emanating an emotion of peace and calm. Taking a bath has a similar effect. If you’re upset, when you take a bath, the bath water (especially along with Epsom salt) will absorb that energy and transmute it into something more positive.


Now let’s speak to what happens inside your body. Even if you are generally happy, if you ingest impure (unhappy) water, that can negatively impact you, but not in the way you may think. Generally speaking, your body can filter toxins through your liver, but there is an emotional residue that remains so the molecular structure may remain somewhat discordant. If you are always drinking impure, water there is a buildup of that molecular “discordance.”  However, if you raise your vibration, or already operate at a high vibration, the water in your cells, will return to its harmonious state. Keep in mind that your bodies are 45-75% water, with the brain and other organs holding the highest percentages. (The older you get, the lower the percentages may be.) Simply put, the  happier you are, the happier your cells and the water contained therein is, and disease is unlikely to occur.


Emotions affect the molecular make up of water far more than ingesting impure water, which the body can usually rid itself of. However, long-standing negative emotions reside in every single cell of your body. So, even if you are taking extraordinary care of your human body, eating only organic food, drinking only filtered water, exercising, etc., if you are unhappy, your cells will know it and they will respond as disease. It doesn’t necessarily mean the disease will be fatal, it may be something as simple as a skin condition, for example. Typically, there is a correlation between your frequency/vibration, and the degree of illness that you get.


This connection between the discordant molecular structure of water in your cells and disease is incontrovertible. If you are having any kind of issue at all, whether it’s a simple rash or something as serious as cancer, please check how you are feeling on a day-to-day basis, and at a deeper level too. Many of you have learned to stuff your emotions (i.e., childhood trauma) to the point where you are no longer aware you have them. You have learned to live with them and keep them “safely” held in your subconscious. Unfortunately, the subconscious contributes just as much—actually more— to the molecular make up of water as your conscious mind.


         The bottom line is that to be healthy, you must be happy. If you’re unhappy, please address that through therapy, meditation, talking to friends or even your non-physical Team. If you are clear about what makes you unhappy, set about to change that. The Universe will always support positive change! No exception!


We believe we have addressed Rhonda’s question adequately, but if you have other questions, please let her know and we will attempt and to give you in-depth answers.


©Rhonda Weisberg

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