Has Your Self-Worth been Manipulated?
(This article was received intuitively from my non-physical spiritual “Team.”)
In a reading for a client, my Team pointed out that most of our self-worth comes not from internal, but rather external, factors. They didn’t go into detail at the time, however I wanted to know more about self-worth, so I asked them. Here’s what my Team had to say:
“The distortion of how most humans view themselves has been part of the 3-D paradigm. This distortion simply does not occur in 5D. Let’s explain:
“The distortion of lack of self-worth was deliberately created programming by the entities who control(led) your planet. These entities were very patient as they understood that slowly and insidiously disempowering you would be highly effective. For thousands of years, they planted the ideas of reward and punishment to teach obedience for the purpose of easily and effortlessly controlling you. And they have been very successful. A success rate of over 99%!
“Through using your parents or other persons of authority, they led you to believe that your value/self-worth came only from external sources. This was an excellent method to disconnect you from your Source and look only to others to bestow self-worth upon you. Soon after birth, you came to understand that there were actions you took or words you spoke that either pleased or displeased your parents. Their responses to you trained you to feel valuable only when you were pleasing them. When your parents were happy with you, you felt loved; when they were displeased with you, you felt badly about yourself. When you started school the pattern continued, with your teachers adding even more reward and punishment. When you started working, it became much worse—in many cases your survival depended on being a good employee. For almost all of you, your entire life trained you to please others in order to feel good about yourself.
“Some of you were more receptive to this type of manipulation than others—especially those of you who are extremely sensitive to other people’s feelings. But there have been renegades! As many of you became teenagers, you began to sense—even if it wasn’t conscious—that something was wrong with how the world was working. You rebelled against being told what to do and how to live your life, all the while exploring what it would feel like if you didn’t care what anyone else thought about you. Sometimes this rebellion was permanent, but for most, rebellion was over by the time you entered the work force.
“Along with this manipulation—mainly through various media—you have also been led to believe that your appearance was a measure of your worth (clothes, weight, hair, income, car, etc., etc. etc.) The pursuit of this unattainable perfection functioned as a distraction to keep many of you from knowing your true nature and value.
“Many of you came to Earth at this time of great shift to break this ancient paradigm of reward and punishment. Many parents have changed the way they discipline their children, new types of schools have been established that support and encourage children, more people are starting their own businesses, overweight women are now shown as positive role models, etc.
“If you are feeling unworthy or not deserving, it’s not directly your fault. Yes, we talk a lot about the Law of Attraction and creating your own reality, but this paradigm of being beholden to others, was part and parcel of living in 3-D, and you understood that going in. You knew, not only would you have disconnection from Source, but you would be challenged to overcome the paradigm that was in place.
“Our hope is that now that you are aware of this manipulation, you can little by little take back the power you have over yourself and allow yourself to feel the love that Source feels for you!”
©Rhonda Weisberg