My main passion is helping people to connect with their non-physical Team.
As a clairsentient intuitive for over thirty years, I’ve been working with clients across the country, bringing them clarity, insight, peace of mind, practical solutions, and spiritual direction from their Higher Selves, Spirit Guides, and the Angels who assist them. Readings can be held in person, over the phone and (for now) shorter readings with Zoom. Please know that your reading will be held in the strictest confidence. Learn more here.
Very close behind, my second passion is working with animals.
For as long as I can remember, I have felt great compassion and empathy for all creatures, especially pets. In addition to working with animals intuitively, I have worked extensively in pet rescue, hosted and produced my own radio show about pets (“The Pet Files”) for many years, and wrote and published two pet directories for the Atlanta area that helped inform readers on a wide variety of animal-related issues and helped them find the best products, services, and providers for their pets. Because of that background, I can bring much more to a reading than just communicating with your pet. I am able to provide practical suggestions and resources for behavioral issues, holistic care, energy healers, dog trainers, nutrition and more. Learn more here.
My third passion is art.
As a professional graphic designer and illustrator, I have discovered that art is a great medium to connect ourselves with our inner guidance/higher beings. To that end, I began creating soul portraits. My process involves tuning into a client’s subconscious through a short reading and then creating their beautiful digital soul portrait which can be used as a point of focus/meditation to go deep into their psyche. These Soul Portraits contain imagery, both symbolic in color and in content. Learn more here.