Are You a Systems Buster?

Are You a Systems Buster?

(This article was received intuitively from my non-physical spiritual “Team.”)


I heard the term “systems buster” decades ago (Barbara Marciniak?) but didn’t figure that it applied to me. However, recently I did a reading for myself, and my spirit guides told me that I am, in fact, a systems buster. Along with a lot of other humans, apparently! I wanted to understand more about that, so they offered to channel an article for me on that topic. Here it is:


Greetings Dear Ones:


In response to Rhonda’s curiosity about what a system buster is, we would like to explain. Briefly, it is a soul who incarnates on Earth with the express purpose of acting as a catalyst for change. There are thousands and thousands of systems busters on the planet right now acting in many different capacities. Systems busters are creating change in virtually every nook and cranny of the planet:  technology, healthcare, spiritual and personal development, education, farming, etc. The list goes on and on.


What does a systems buster “look” like? If you are familiar with Elon Musk, then you know! However, not all systems busters have that kind of notoriety. Some are acting as catalysts in seemingly small ways, usually without conscious intention. For example, those individuals who turn their backs on the traditional workplace and create their businesses, are in their own way, systems busters. Regardless of how successful they are, they may serve as inspiration to someone who is feeling very constricted by the traditional work environment. 



Some examples of systems busters would be:


  • Parents who homeschool their children. After evaluating what they feel public schools offer their children, more and more parents feel they can offer a better learning environment at home or as part of small groups. It won’t be long before this will be a widely accepted method of teaching. You will begin to see neighborhood parents getting together to form “schools” consisting of small numbers of students, often with parents offering their unique expertise. 
  • Farmers who have developed new ways of farming, like aquaponics which bypasses soil or ocean water, along with all the chemicals currently used in farming. 
  • Holistic healthcare providers, who along with their patients, have found that holistic healthcare may offer better results than the current allopathic model of healthcare. 


The examples are endless and most of these individuals would not consider themselves systems busters. They saw something broken and were passionate about fixing it, whether at an individual or a global level.


Often, systems busters have received pushback from family, friends, or society at large. Many humans fear change and can be threatened particularly by systems-busting friends and family who are living outside of the box. Sometimes large numbers of humans are triggered by innovations that may be difficult for people to grasp (think cryptocurrency). For many systems busters, going against the norm may prove to be a very difficult path if they are not getting the support they need. 


So, what keeps the systems busters going? The one thing they all have in common is: a strong passion for doing what they feel they need to do, whether it’s only for themselves or the world. Often systems busters feel so passionate about their aspirations, that they may become depressed or even physically ill if they are not able to achieve their goals. 


Does any of this resonate with you? Could you be a systems buster? If you are reading this, you probably are!




Rhonda’s Team


©Rhonda Weisberg