Can you create your reality by daydreaming?

Can You Create Your Reality by Daydreaming?

(This article was received intuitively from my non-physical spiritual “Team.”)


If you ask Aboriginals, they will tell you that to dream and daydream is to create all aspects of their lives, individually and as a group. If you ask everyone else, most will say that daydreaming is fantasizing about things they know will never come true.


Who is correct? Both are. The difference lies in intention. Aboriginals dream with intention, while for most everyone else, their daydreams are only fantasies with no “goal” in mind.  Fantastical daydreams do not change the status quo, however conscious, intentional daydreams are very powerful.  Those of you who stepped out onto the leading edge of consciousness know what makes one more powerful than the other is the degree of conscious awareness one has about how reality is created.


Even for the most conscious human, it’s not always easy to stand in both worlds/belief systems. The comfort zone lies when you stand firmly in one world or the other. The Aboriginals do not question how they create their reality; their long-standing beliefs have stood true for them for countless generations. Until fairly recently, almost everyone else did not even have a belief system regarding the creation of their own reality. Most believed their lives were products of their environment and the experiences that ”happened” to them.


As humans begin to understand that their dreams (and thoughts and emotions) literally design their personal experience, sometimes cognitive dissonance can occur. It  takes courage and patience to leap from one belief system into another. It is quite the task to stand in faith of a new way of thinking when all around you to declare you to be wrong, or worse, crazy. Additionally, everywhere you look it seems as though the belief of creating your reality seems to make no sense.  You may wonder why so many children die young, why you have an illness, why everyone else seems more successful, etc., etc.


It’s much easier to accept a belief system that most agree with. Some dip their toes into new waters of belief then quickly step back out, realizing it’s too much of a stretch for them to immerse themselves. Those courageous enough to wade in and keep going until they’ve totally immersed themselves in a new belief system have chosen a challenging one-way road. When someone gets even the tiniest glimpse of the truth they can never go back and pretend they didn’t see it. To ignore those glimpses can bring about much frustration.Most of you who are reading this article have waded in much deeper than most, and all went in without a life jacket, possibly creating anxiety. Accepting that you create your own reality comes with it not only a tremendous amount of responsibility, but also the necessity to trust yourself. That is where the struggle—and tremendous growth!—comes in. As you learn to have a deep, abiding trust  in yourself—and in the Universe which cocreates with you—there can appear to be “missteps” along the way which may result in negative judgment towards yourself. We caution you to understand that that is part of the process and all experiences create contribute to your growth. You literally cannot make a mistake!


With all that being said, what do you think would happen if you meditate with the intention of accessing your higher being and consciously visualize/daydream what you would like to create in your life? There has never been a time in your history when this way of creating has had so much power. The movement into 5D makes it infinitely easier to create than when you were in 3-D. Why  not try it watch what happens! (Tip: the more you  dip it the better the results.)


                  Wishing you happy creating,


                  Rhonda’s Team



©Rhonda Weisberg