Psychic Readings: Your Questions Answered
Over the years, I’ve frequently been asked a lot of questions about how I do readings, how often to get a reading, can I predict the future, etc., so thought I would just present it all in a “Q and A” format. I’ll also address what you can expect from a reading with me.
Q. How do you psychics/intuitives get their information?
A. Generally speaking, psychics pick up information through a particular sense: some “see” pictures (clairvoyance), some “hear” information (clairaudience), some receive information from clients’ personal items (psychometry) and some have a strong sense of knowing (clairsentience). Most will use a combination of their senses, or tools such as Tarot cards. Personally, I use all the above senses except for psychometry and tools. I believe all psychics either operate at a higher frequency in general or temporarily raise their vibratory rate enough to access information from higher beings, such as guides, higher selves, or angels. (Channeling goes a bit beyond that and becomes a melding of consciousness.)
For myself, when I work with human clients, I go into a light meditative state and can feel a shift in my energy—I feel lighter, calmer, and more open. At that point, I can access information from higher frequency beings. Hearing you speak and ask questions helps me better facilitate the reception of information. Because of the nature of what I focus on, I can act in a spiritual coaching capacity, so I think of myself as more of an intuitive coach than just a psychic. (More on this in the next question.)
When I work with animals, I also go into a light meditative state but in contrast, “feel” my way inside their bodies and experience what they are thinking and feeling emotionally and physically.
Q. What’s the difference between a psychic and an intuitive coach? Isn’t the latter just a glorified description of a psychic?
A. Good question! Actually, I made up this question, but I still think it’s a good one. Seriously, it depends; all intuitive coaches are psychic but not all psychics are coaches. Speaking for myself, what sets me, as an intuitive coach, apart is decades of spiritual study and application in my personal life as well as in my clients’ lives. I have come to understand how life works (for the most part—still learning!) and the ways to educate and empower us to make our lives function better in all areas. I can also tell where your emotional and physical energy is blocked or where thought and belief patterns have become rigid, helping you to transform negative patterns into positive ones.
Q. Are there different kinds of psychics?
A. I made this question up too! I also think it’s a good one because it helps people to decide what type of psychic to go to when they’re looking for a reading. I’ve come to believe (my opinion) that there are two basic types of psychics: right-brained and left-brained. Left-brained psychics are much better at picking up on hard facts and details rather than emotions. For example, they may literally be able to tell where the bodies are buried and may even work with police departments to help solve crimes. I consider myself a right-brained psychic. I tap into more psychological/emotional issues and can help with relationship issues of all kinds, career choices, etc. I am not good at finding the location of a lost pet whereas a left-brained psychic may be able to, but I can tell why the animal may have gone AWOL.
Q. Speaking of fortune telling, what do you think of psychics that base their practices on predicting the future?
A. In two words: not much! Nobody can predict a certain future. We live in a free will universe; as our thoughts and feelings change, so does the physical outcome. Depending on your thought and belief patterns, your future can change drastically in an instant, or crawl along day-to-day in much the same manner until you die. Most psychics, including myself, can give you an idea about what probably will happen (based on your “creative patterns”) for you in the next six months. The shorter the time frame, the easier it is to confidently predict. Think of it as me sensing multiple options open to you, but one seems to “light up” more than the other one, indicating that that is the probable future.
Q. How often should I get a reading?
A. This is an individual matter based on your goals. Are you looking for a simple “new year” or birthday reading, are in the middle of a personal crises, or are looking for on-going spiritual coaching? I believe simple, general readings should be limited to once or twice a year. My goal is to give you insights and tools so you may take charge of your life. Frequent readings can sometimes lead to dependency on a psychic, slowing your spiritual growth. If I feel that a client is requesting too many readings because they are not able to make changes, I generally recommend that they seek out a professional therapist.
Q. Can you talk about how psychics price their sessions?
A. This is a little hard to answer because pricing for psychic readings is all over the place. I have found psychics on Etsy that only charge $1 a question, whereas nationally known psychics may charge upwards of $800 per session. To some degree the pricing reflects the degree of accuracy or experience the psychic has. But that is not always the case. Demand also plays a factor. Psychics who are in very high demand are able to charge more for their readings, even though they may technically not be more helpful than a more reasonably priced psychic. Where I live in metro Atlanta, I would expect to pay $100-$300 per one hour session. Currently, my prices are on the lower end ($125/ hour and $65/30 minutes) because I am building my practice. (For many years my focus had been on my graphic design business, and then writing children’s book while doing readings on a limited basis.)
As a final word, before schedule a reading with any psychic, do not hesitate to ask them how they work and if they are able to help with your specific issue(s). There is no “one size fits all” in the world of psychic readings. When you do have your reading, make sure that you are truly open to the information you will be receiving, or be clear about you don’t want to hear. I personally have a policy of not offering information that is not asked for. I want to be confident that my clients can handle the information offered. For example, many years ago, a prominent local psychic told my sister that both my parents would be dead within five years. Not only was it highly inaccurate (my father lived another 10 years and my mother another 30 years), but my sister and I stressed about this for five years! Just because the psychic can tune into certain information doesn’t mean it’s always appropriate to share it! In another cased, I had a client with a very sick son-in-law. She repeatedly badger me about when he would die. It was very uncomfortable for me, and I was never sure if I was giving her the right information. Later, I got gently reprimanded from archangel Michael that I should not give out that information under any circumstances. No matter how much they badgered me. And when Big Mike talks, I listen!
©Rhonda Weisberg