What in the Heck is My True Purpose?
(This article was received intuitively from my non-physical spiritual “Team.”)
Are you feeling as if you will never find your true purpose in life? Maybe you want your life to shift but don’t know how to make that happen or even what you want to do?
Good news! Deep down, you already know! You just need a reminder and the permission to embrace it.
As many of you know, Earth is going through great changes and many, many souls chose to come here at this space/time juncture to help in any way they could to propel Earth and its inhabitants forward in their evolution. The task was seemingly quite easy—just get down here and spread light (and work off a little karma while you were at it).
So, whether you call yourself a “lightworker” or not, if you tend to have compassion and empathy for your fellow humans, plants, and animals, then you most certainly are a lightworker. So, there you have it—your purpose!
Now, how to become that beacon and fulfill your purpose? Do you need to become a “certified” healer for that to happen? Only if you want to. You can become that beacon just by being happy and willing to let others see and feel your joy. Simply smiling at a stranger has ripple effects far beyond that moment. You may be the only person who has smiled at this stranger for weeks on end, a stranger who may be feeling as if their life isn’t worth living, and then you come along and gift them with your smile—along with the healing energy that naturally goes with it—and that person’s life changes. Big change or tiny change, positive change builds on itself.
But what if you aren’t feeling happy with your chosen career/path? Of course, there are many reasons why this might be true, but we will focus on one primary cause. Most of you knew soon after you began exploring the world, say by age five or six, what you most enjoyed doing. Some of you couldn’t wait to begin reading, while others wanted to draw all the time, or be around animals, etc. Take a few moments to think way, way back to your childhood and what you really loved doing. (If it was banging on pots and pans, that desire was probably squelched pretty quickly!)
Then elementary school happened. You had to learn all kinds of stuff—most of it probably didn’t even interest you. Unless you were very fortunate, you were probably one child among many, treated like everyone else, and your teachers did not have the time or tools to bring out your natural talents. Worse, if you were a girl growing up in the 60’s, you may have thought your only choices were to be a mother, secretary, nurse, or teacher.
In high school and college, your choices grew but there was still the perception that some subjects you enjoyed were just hobbies, while other subjects were considered the ones you needed in order to survive in the real world. (Author’s note: I always wanted to be a painter but chose graphic design instead because I convinced myself I would starve as a fine artist. I liked graphic design but there was never the joy and satisfaction that came to me through painting.)
Most of you felt tremendous pressure to choose a profession that would, at least minimally, pay your bills. You hoped it would be a joyful profession. Sometimes you got close but missed the mark a bit and the gap between what you really loved and what you found yourself doing widened. For example, some natural-born healers who chose traditional medical professions found themselves in emotionally draining assembly line environments and are now discovering they prefer to serve their patients through more intimate healing modalities, such as massage or energy work.
As you moved forward in your lives and became busier and busier, you may have forgotten what you really loved doing. When, and if, you started to remember, there may have been a lot of concerns about how changing your life so drastically would impact you, your family members, and friends. This used to be called a “mid-life crisis.” Instead of giving yourself permission to switch up your life mid-stream, you got a sports car or a new hairstyle, etc.—some immediate satisfaction but still not the real thing.
In addition, many of you are not sure you deserve happiness—a God-given gift that you were unable to accept for a wide variety of reasons.
In any case, it’s time to get back to your roots, back to your heart’s desire you were born knowing and graciously connect and accept your innate gift of joy and fulfill your purpose of enriching the world by enriching yourself first.
When you can find time to embrace what you really love doing, then the joy you feel acts as a super-charged magnet bringing you all the components you need to shift your life permanently.
(If you are not already familiar with the Law of Attraction, check out the articles about that on my website.)
©Rhonda Weisberg