How to Stay Positive in These Challenging Times
(This article was received intuitively from my non-physical spiritual “Team.”)
How to Stay Positive in These Challenging Times
A Marietta Starseeds member asked if we would address the issue of staying positive in these challenging times. Here is our response:
Think of it this way: almost all of you are already positive thinkers until something triggers you. Let’s use Rhonda as an example. She wakes up and feels pretty good—very 5D-ish! She gets in her car go to Sprouts for groceries and does her usual invoking of the traffic devas to keep her safe on the road. All is good until. . . .
She encounters a tailgater (her biggest pet peeve) who is determined to make her go faster. Rhonda’s route goes through the national park where there is no passing, and worse, there is the possibility of deer running into traffic. Rhonda has already experienced a deer running in front of her, so she refuses to go any faster until she is out of the park area. She senses how angry the aggressive tailgater is and then she gets mad. Rhonda just successfully slipped firmly back into 3D!
She asked us: “Why do I allow these situations to trigger me so much?” Rhonda knows there are many bad drivers on the road—just a fact of life. So why does she let these drivers get the better of her?
We responded that it always boils down to fear. Although she invokes the help of the traffic devas religiously and even surrounds her car with white light, a part of her doesn’t trust that she will be safe. We gently remind her that she knows she creates her own reality and going into fear only lowers her vibration making a “bad thing” happen more likely. To be clear, Rhonda would have to stay in that dark energy for a long time to create a negative situation. (However, that is changing. As you move into lighter density, manifestation of any kind is happening more quickly.) Fortunately, by the time Rhonda reaches Sprouts (about 7 minutes later), she has forgotten the incident. (Rhonda is blessed with forgetting things pretty quickly! Our joke.)
As an aside, manifesting something negative is not a one-to-one situation. In other words, being mad at a tailgater will not necessarily cause a car accident, but another unrelated, but similarly negative, situation may manifest.
Recognizing your triggers and putting them into perspective can help greatly. If your triggers are of a personal nature (financial concerns, relationship disagreements, a sick friend, etc.), remind yourself that all these situations are temporary to some degree or another and will eventually be resolved for the greater good of all parties. Ask yourself whether your responses are moving you further up your vibrational scale or lowering it. How can you adjust your thinking to imagine a positive—or at least neutral—outcome? By now you understand that we are all connected, and all your thoughts will be sensed by other parties at some level and will add fuel to a situation for either a more beneficial outcome or a more negative outcome.
As far as national or international events that create worry and fear, the same basic rules apply. For the most part, this is not your drama. These situations are being played out by participants who agreed to this before they were born. We acknowledge that it’s very upsetting to see horrible things happen—especially to children—but from your perspective, you cannot know the details of that soul’s choices and lessons. Using abused children as an example, indeed these children are traumatized! However, angelic beings remove them from their bodies when they are abused so that the horrors they are experiencing are mitigated. Yes, they will need extensive emotional and physical healing, however, the only control you have over this is to send love and healing energy and know that it is being received (which we always recommend). You can also ask angels for assistance.
Additionally, remember Carl Jung’s words: “What you resist persists.” You are continuously creating your reality with your thoughts and emotions every nanosecond of the day. Additionally, all of you are co-creating your global reality together. Your thoughts and emotions, whether positive or negative, are highly impactful and reach beyond space and time. What kind of world are you personally creating and what kind of world would you like to live in?
In summary, humans are fundamentally happy until they are triggered, so maintaining positivity is more a function of managing negative thoughts/emotions. We know it’s impossible to not have any negative thoughts/emotions, however, do your best to address them in the moment and not let them control you, because like attracts like. Your negative thoughts/emotions will attract more negative thoughts/emotions. You may start out being upset about one thing and wind up being upset about many things.
Additionally, try not to participate in group conversations that are negative in nature because group energy is even more globally impactful. If you feel you need to discuss current events, focus on solutions and what positives outcomes are likely.
Lastly, remind yourself that everything is temporary, and you are entering a most magnificent and exciting time on Earth!
©Rhonda Weisberg