Could This Be All You Need to Know About Nutrition?
(This article was received intuitively from my non-physical spiritual “Team.”)
The topic of food and nutrition is certainly a hot one for those interested in improving their health. From our non-physical perspective, though, it is fairly easy to sort out.
First, one must accept the idea that humans live in a vibrationally-based universe. Everything one sees, feels, hears, and tastes has a unique vibratory nature, vibrating at different rates and frequencies. In fact, one of the reasons non-physical beings cannot be seen is because their rate of vibration is so much faster than that of humans. Liken it to the blades of a fan: when stopped they are visible, but the faster they turn, the harder it is to make out the individual shapes, until finally the blades disappear. Individual humans also vibrate at different rates, based largely and simply on how happy they are and their capacity for giving and receiving the highest vibration—love.
Taking that into account, all food—whether from beast or plant—has a vibratory signature. Unadulterated living things have the highest/fastest rates, while dead or decaying things have the lowest. The higher/faster the vibration, the healthier the food. Enjoyment, gratitude and appreciation of food can also raise the vibration of food to some degree!
Spiritually speaking, as an individual evolves spiritually and their vibratory rate quickens, they may find they prefer foods that are also faster/higher in vibration and even find a newfound dislike for foods once enjoyed.
Beginning with the plant world, organically grown plants have the highest vibration and the sooner you eat or freeze them after picking, the higher that rate stays. Organically grown plants grown by individuals who love to grow and nurture plants are of an even higher vibration.
The more chemicals or genetic modification that is introduced to a plant, the lower the vibration; all canned fruits and vegetables are even lower. Cooking also affects vibratory rate; some vibratory rates are actually improved by traditional cooking. On the other hand, microwaving renders plants (and meats) of all kinds virtually lifeless.
Needless, to say, all processed are virtually devoid of any life-giving vibration.
Though we understand that many people would never dream of eating an animal, the animals that humans raise for food understand that is their role and under the right circumstances happily give up their lives for that. However, their vibratory rate can be compromised by abusive conditions, excessive additives to their diet, lack of sunshine and natural feed, lack of play/socialization with others of their kind, and lastly, but importantly, a lack of gratitude and appreciation for what they sacrifice.
At the spiritual level, the negative emotions associated with most farmed animals are stored in their tissues, which humans then ingest, taking on that negativity to some degree.
Bottom line: happy well-fed, well-treated cows, will offer up much healthier meat—and are happy to do so. They intuitively understand the cycle of life and their purpose in it and know that it won’t be long before they are back to do it again and again. The loved and nurtured beast that is killed humanely does not suffer. Their spirit knows to leave their body at just the right moment. In reality, all beasts know when to leave, but for those commercially farmed animals, that knowledge does not justify a lifetime of fear, pain and frustration.
At the very least, when eating meat, we suggest taking a moment to send gratitude and appreciation to the animal that died so you could thrive. Not only does that help the animal kingdom, it can raise the vibration of the meat as well.
Food Allergies
We weren’t sure we wanted to open this can of worms but we will briefly touch on it. Food allergies are an extremely individual matter but it does have to do with compatible vibrational rates.
Sometimes excessive eating of a particular food can weaken the compatibility between a person’s body and that food. Wheat and corn are good examples. Besides the genetic modifications they have gone through, humans ingest these in quantities so great that compatibility is compromised. In fact, all GMO foods will affect compatibility in various degrees.
Eating a food at a time of emotional stress can also affect how the body reacts to that food going forward, with the immune system perceiving it as a threat. Past life experiences can also play a part in that same arena. Fortunately, humans now have energy medicines available that can help deal with these situations holistically.
Don’t eat when you are unhappy or stressed. Do the best you can and try to make high-vibrational foods at least 85% of your diet. And don’t stress over any of this too much; your body can handle most of what you put into it most of the time, even if it is not always benefiting you nutritionally. So no guilt about the occasional splurge!
Lastly, take time to give gratitude and appreciation to those animals and farmers who helped bring your food to your table!
©Rhonda Weisberg