12 Tips to Help You Ease into 5D
(This article was received intuitively from my non-physical spiritual “Team.”)
For the purposes of this article, we are assuming all of you are aware of the Ascension/Shift of your physical reality into the Fifth Dimension (5D). At its core, this shift is one of consciousness. Let us explain. Remember, no reality is composed of solid matter (no such thing) but is created with your consciousness and is highly malleable. Creation begins with focused, consistent, and persistent thoughts and emotions which move into denser and denser frequencies until ultimately manifesting as what appears as physical reality. Literally since “time” (again, no such thing) began, you have been co-creating your holographic 3D reality with the particular frequency/vibration of 3D consciousness which, by cosmic design, had largely been based on disconnection from Source, which ultimately led to a generally fear-based world. Loosely put, that experiment has run its course, and it is time to create from your connection with Source, rather than your disconnection.
This has been in the works for quite some time and almost all of you have been creating your new 5D holographic “physical” reality with a higher, lighter frequency/vibration in your dream state. However, now you can actively do that with your conscious awareness! How fun!
Presently, most are toggling between the two dimensions. When you are feeling joyful, doing things you love, enjoying delicious meals, being with your loved ones, etc. you are mostly in 5D and when you feel worried or fearful, you are hanging out in 3D consciousness. In this sense, the shift will not happen with the flip of a switch but a as a process that has been ongoing for several decades and will continue for quite some time. It is fair to say that the majority of the shift has taken place and it’s just a matter of humans catching up. Your lives have been going from living in 90% 3D/10% 5D to 50% 3D/50% 3D to eventually living in 5D 100% of the time. 3D will continue alongside 5D, but at the 100% point your vibration will be too high to experience it. Every individual chooses how to pace their own transition, with some already living fulling in 5D to those who will not make their transition in their present physicality.
Finally, on to the tips (in no particular order) that will help you to shift your “dimensional percentages” more quickly and easily.
- Practice deep breathing as often as you wish with a goal of (3) 10-minute sessions per day as a start.
- Meditate with the goal of clearing your mind for at least 10 minutes daily.
- Meditate/visualize with the goal of visualizing the life you would like to lead. Be detailed. Picture your perfect day, from the time you arise until the time you go to sleep. What does your bed feel like? What does your home look like? What will you be eating? Will you be exercising? Who are your friends? Will you work? If so, for yourself or someone else? You get the idea. Lastly, and most importantly, feel how good all of that feels. Your wants may change from time to time but worry not that it will affect your manifestation. Your non-physical Team will take care of that. (As an aside, next week’s article will address who your Team is and how to work with them.) The important thing is to take that time to really feel good about your future. That alone will raise your vibration significantly.
- Pay attention to your thoughts about yourself. How often are criticizing or judging yourself? How often are you appreciating what you like about yourself and even your small daily accomplishments? Some days you may feel all you can do is vegetate. Congratulations! You are honoring your needs. Appreciate ALL of it.
- Pay attention to your thoughts about other people. How often are you passing a judgment about them? As a spiritually aware human, you understand your connection to others and how judgment or criticism of others reflects directly back to you. Love those who you feel have hurt as you would love yourself and see how much lighter that feels. Most importantly, practice forgiveness. You may find those who are no longer appropriate for you to be around effortlessly move out of your life.
- Connect with those you love and who love you—humans and animals alike.
- Get outside. Feel the sun on your face and your feet on the Earth. At least for a little bit.
- Do and savor something you enjoy every day. Even if it’s just eating something you really, really like.
- Smile at a stranger or two or three. There is someone (you too) who will benefit greatly from that and most likely you’ll create a beautiful ripple effect.
- Dialog with your spirit guides and Higher Being if you aren’t already. At home. Alone. (Cosmic humor there.) Seriously, the more you verbally address them, you may find, in time, that you are hearing them too.
- Ask your Angels for help. No request is too small; however, you MUST ask them to engage their assistance.
- Be grateful. Consider getting a journal and finding at least 10 things you can be grateful for every day—no matter how seemingly insignificant some may feel.
All these things will help you to release resistance, which is truly the only thing that stands between your 3D reality and your 5D reality. Lastly, know that you are loved unconditionally and beyond measure!
My note: I highly recommend Angel Abundance: Revelations on True Wealth from the 12 Archangels by Belinda Womack (Amazon: https://a.co/d/0KXzv2T )
©Rhonda Weisberg